Permanent Residence
Applications for permanent residence in Jamaica should be forwarded to the:

Ministry of National Security and Justice
12 Ocean Boulevard
Kingston Mall

The application is granted solely at the discretion of the Minister, and should be supported by:
a} evidence of the applicant’s ability to support himself/herself without working; and
b) a police certificate.

Please note: The granting of permanent residency does not automatically convey the right to work. A work permit is still required.

Jamaican Citizenship
The Citizenship (Constitutional Amendment) Act 1993 provides as follows:

(i) Persons born outside of Jamaica can now claim Jamaican Citizenship through either Jamaican parent,
(ii) Men married to Jamaican women are now entitled to apply for registration as citizens of Jamaica.

The Jamaican Nationality (Amendment) Act (Annex V) provides as follows:-

(i) A non-Jamaican child who is adopted can claim Jamaican Citizenship through either the adopted father or mother.
(ii) Jamaican Citizens who had renounced their Citizenship can apply to have it restored by applying to the Minister of National Security and Justice.


Applications for naturalization should be directed to the:

Ministry of National Security and Justice
12 Ocean Boulevard
Kingston Mall

The Minister of National Security and Justice can grant certificates of naturalization as provided by the Jamaican Nationality Act of 1962. Prospective applicants must therefore satisfy the following specific criteria:

(a) Residence in Jamaica for the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of the application;

(b) During the seven years immediately preceding this 12-month period, residence in Jamaica for a total period of not less than 4 years;

(c) Stated intent to reside in Jamaica if naturalization is granted.

Further qualifications include moral and social considerations such as:

(i) good character;
(ii) involvement in society;
(iii) contribution to society;
(iv) financial standing.

