Reggae FallsĀ is located in St. Thomas Parish and must be reached with a four-wheel-drive as you’ll have to ford part of a river that can be about three feet deep. The water at the falls cascades down from some 30 feet above and has the perfect amount of force to give you a good neck and back massage. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can climb a 10-foot-high rock that is conveniently located and jump into the pool at the foot of the falls.

In case you missed any of the past “365 Things to Do, See and Eat in Jamaica“, here they areĀ all together.

About 365 Things to Do, See and Eat in Jamaica
Jamaica has so many unique foods, places and events to offer. These things are often missed by visitors to Jamaica and even locals. Our goal is to have you try new things and see what Jamaica has to fully offer with something to doĀ 365 daysĀ of the year. Please note that these are all our opinions and we are always open toĀ suggestions.

Photo Source:Ā Shamar Chevalier
