QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,

My mom who lives in Jamaica would like to do a power of Attorney, giving me authority to handle her financial asset. I am living in Canada. Would I have to be in Jamaica to have the paper work done. looking forward to your speedy reply.

Crystal Grange

RESPONSE: Dear Crystal,

While you do not have to be in Jamaica for the power of attorney instrument to be created, the document will need to witnessed by a notary public or signed by a Justice of the Peace in the location of Jamaica where your mother is.
Aside from the basic requirements, there are additional elements such as how the document is witnessed, signed or sealed depending on the location of the person giving the power of authority at the time its being signed or witnessed.
Please refer to information on this website for guidance in preparing the power of attorney instrument or contact us directly for assistance at a nominal fee.
Legal Wiz


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