My grandfather was a great man of God.  He exhibited the greatest explanation of what real love is and it was constant.  Love never fails and he surely believed this word from the Bible in the way he showed love to not only my grandmother but to myself and my siblings.  I did not have a dad in my life growing up.  I met my dad in my later years for the first time and found out that I have five sisters and two brothers I did not know.

The one thing that stuck out to me upon meeting my siblings is that there was something missing in each of them.  There was something broken in each of their lives.  There is something broken in each of you reading this article.  But my grandparents and my mom had a way of fixing that broken area in us.  Those were the days when you fix valuable things that are broken and not throw them away.  They discovered that there will be times of hardship, discouragement, weakness of mind, sadness, negativity and bad hearts.  These, among many other bad influences, affect every person at times and just the same they affect every marriage relationship.

Every marriage relationship experience seasons of brokeness.  There comes a time when a husband or a wife lashes out at the other spouse causing an explosion of arguments that sometimes lead to resentment that needs healing.  The lashing out is usually stemming from a place of brokeness in that spouse.  The great thing is that there is a fix for these types of issues.  Marriage was created by God but not just left up to each spouse to figure out how to fix the broken places.  God gives perfect instructions to each of us as to how to fix the broken pieces in our marriage relationships.  Real love heals these broken pieces in any and every marriage and put the relationship back on a positive track.  Here are four ways.

Revitalizes The Body

As a part of marriage, God created the beautiful release that does something great to the body.  Sex is God made for marriage only.  He created sex to be between husband and wife only and for the purpose of pleasure in the marriage.  Sex between husband and wife is the part of the marriage that helps to revitalize the physical unity in becoming ONE FLESH.  Sex in marriage creates a physical energy that travels to the mind and energizes the marriage relationship.  Have lots of sex in your marriage relationship.  It is a gift from God.


Restores The Heart

When both hearts are unified in love there is nothing that can come between a husband and wife.  “Two hearts beating as ONE” is the glue that holds husband and wife together in love.  Real love creates that oneness of heart.  Whenever things are not going right in the relationship make it your aim to get back to that oneness of heart because this is what will fix the brokeness you are experiencing.  Real love shown restores the broken heart allowing both to beat in unity.

Settles The Mind

Every marriage goes through a time when things feel stale.  One spouse may be bombarded with thoughts of the busyness of life from work, kids, or even personal issues.  Sharing your thoughts with your spouse creates quality time in the marriage relationship as you talk out your experiences.  It creates a way for the other spouse to fill your love tank with compassion and understanding.  When your mind is settled your perception of your marriage relationship changes for the better and you are better able to show love to each other.

Revives The Soul

There is nothing like peace.  Where there is chaos your soul is in chaos.  Where there is no love there is no peace.  Real love shown revives the soul as there is a peace that comes upon both husband and wife that allows for a better marriage relationship.

REAL LOVE is constant.  It is the part of the marriage relationship that constantly pumps life into each other.  Make your best effort to show each other real love and your marriage will experienc the love, joy, peace and harmony it needs to survive as you fix the broken areas you are experiencing.  Huddle up and enjoy your journey together.


Be encouraged as you watch our TBN video interview on marriage.

About The Author

Carim Hyatt

Carim Hyatt was born and raised partially in Jamaica, West Indies.  He is one of seven children from the Hyatt family and has grown into a great man of God.  Carim had the luxury of seeing his grandparents model a Christian family life while portraying a marriage in God’s image.  Carim had his mother in his life also and learned a great deal about values and wisdom.

Carim’s passion is marriage and family. He and his wife Michelle, are hosts of MARRIAGE IN A MINUTE, a radio talk show reaching all over the world.   He has authored two books, The importance of Salvation and Staying Married Becoming One Flesh.   His journey has taken him from Insurance adjuster to minister through writing and public speaking.  Carim leads men’s ministries, married couples lifegroups, praise and worship along with many other areas of ministry as God has led him.  Carim and his beautiful wife Michelle have appeared on Television programs , namely TBN, speaking about marriage and family.  He is a great motivator, mentor and loves the Lord with all his heart.  His passion is to see every marriage go the long haul while being molded into God’s image

Join Carim on this great journey as He reaches the unsaved for Christ while continuing to encourage marriages and families.

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Photo – Deposit Photos


  • Carim Hyatt

    Carim has a passion for marriage and family. He and his wife, Michelle, are hosts of MARRIAGE IN A MINUTE, a radio talk show reaching all over the world. He has authored two books, The importance of Salvation and Staying Married Becoming One Flesh. His journey has taken him from Insurance adjuster to minister through writing and public speaking.

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