QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
My nephew put a gun to my mouth of my mother, and told her it was time to get off the land she inherited from her mother who inherited from her parents.
He’s always getting into fights with me.
I took me to the police who gave us a receipt describing the incident as threat and sent us to Half Way Tree Court. The staff there sent us to Sutton Street court.
A court clerk there sent us back to Half Way Tree to take out a threat summons. She said the Court cant help as we do not have the official title. We have my tax payment papers and a diagram. There is also a deed of sale agreement passed down. I have lived here all my life, and so has my aged mother. Please help.

legal wiz gun

RESPONSE: Dear Patricia,
After speaking with several persons, the following information was obtained for you and at this rate, you definitely should try and get the assistance of someone from any of the legal aid clinics. I believe the one at UWI, Mona is better staffed to assist you and it seems to be located nearer to your home in Saint Andrew.
First of all you should return to the station and speak with the Inspector or Superintendent . What the nephew did amounts to assault and there are stricter actions that should be carried out.
If nothing more is done, make sure you report everything at the Inspectorate of Police.
On the matter of getting rid of your nephew from the property, please visit the Legal Aid clinic as they can assist you. They will determine if you fit the criteria to prove you have title although you do not have an official title.
Legal Wiz


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