Barrington Irving, Jamaican pilot and the first black person to fly solo around the globe, is opening a vocational programming and training school for young people and college students in The pilot will oversee vocational programming and training for area youth and college students at new facilities to be constructed at The Concourse Club inside the boundaries of the Miami Executive Opalocka Airport. The Experience Aviation and Flying Classroom is scheduled to open in May 2019. Irving is partnering with the local luxury automotive club to build the facilities with the intention of creating a “learning playground” for students and adults in the local community so they can experience the real-world applications of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). According to Neil Gehani, the co-founder of The Concourse Club, Irving is the perfect ambassador and partner for leading a STEM program and job training program at Experience Aviation. The project, which is estimated to cost $220 million, includes a racetrack, spa, and other private club amenities. Gehani went on to note that Irving’s work with the community and educational interests “are nothing short of awe-inspiring.” He focuses on creating a level of excellence that motivates, educates, and inspires young people and will continue to do so for years to come, Gehani added.
Barrington Livingston was born in Kingston and raised in Miami, Florida. He became famous when, at age 23, he set two Guinness world records at the same time. He was the youngest person and the first black person in history to make a solo flight around the world. He founded Experience Aviation in 2006, a nonprofit committed to challenging students through STEM to build an aircraft from the ground up and to fly it successfully. He developed a Flying Classroom program that lets students learn STEM via global expeditions and engaging in problem-solving. To date, Experience Aviation has awarded scholarships totaling over $2 million, many to students who have ultimately pursued professional careers in STEM industries.
Photo Source: Barrington Irving Facebook