This week in our “Jamaicans in Business” interview series we feature Marcia “Faye” Bent owner of Statutory Fingerprinting and Notary, Inc. She founded the company in June of 1995. Here is our conversation with Marcia “Faye” Bent.
Q: Are you a business person or entrepreneur or both? (Business person – Starts a business bases on existing idea or concept. Entrepreneur starts a business from their unique idea or concept)
Business Person
Q: What was your profession before you started your business?
My profession before was an Office Personnel.
Q: Who or what motivated you to go into business?
To help people with criminal records who were not being properly informed by other government employees about the opportunity of still getting employed with a criminal background.
Q: Did you face any challenges in mobilizing your capital?
Yes, banks and individuals didn’t see the business as profitable to endorse loans or even become a partner. However, I never gave up.
Q: Tell us about your business?
Sf&N deals with getting fingerprints for background screenings for those persons pursuing employment, name changing, licensing, school acceptance, and adoption just to name a few
Q: Many businesses have a moment they call their “big break”, whether it be a news story, a big contract etc. Have you or your business had that “”big break ” yet?
I got my big break from Mr. Willie Alexander Jr., Associate Advisor of Student Affairs, who came to my office from nowhere. He stated that he would like my company to provide fingerprinting services for his students who were entering the EMT and Nursing program at Broward College.
Q: Currently what is our biggest business challenge?
My biggest business challenge is my inability to get a written contractual agreement with government agencies because I do not have the resources or manpower to compete with larger entities that are providing the same services.
Q: Other than the money what types of satisfaction do you get out of your work?
Customer satisfaction
Q: What motivates you on a day to day basis?
The spiritual powers of Rastafari Haile Sellasie I, his speeches and teachings.
Q: How do you motivate people that aren’t close to you and enable them to see your vision?
I constantly talk about different principles and my motivation to help others.
Q: How do you remind yourself of what’s important?
By not forgetting where I came from and always remembering to treat people right.
Q. What time do you wake up and do you have a routine?
I do not have a routine; I go with the spiritual vibration of that day.
Q. Do you have any hobbies?
Music and Dancing
Q. If the economy crashed hard and there was no more room for you in the business sector, what would you do with yourself?
I would become a motivational speaker and find ways that I can continue help people.
Q: Seven day, six night, all expense paid, my vacation destination is…
Hawaii or Australia since I’ve already been to Africa.
Q: My favorite guilty pleasure is…
Late night sweets.
Q: My favorite Jamaican food is…
Mackerel Run Dung.
Q: My favorite Jamaican restaurant is…
Gloria’s in Port Royal, Jamaica
Q: What advice would you give someone who wants to achieve the same level of success you have?
Focus, stay spiritual balanced, be willing to give and take, and be willing to help others even when your down to your last.
Q: Do you have any closing thoughts for our readers?
Thanks for the interview. Stay true to yourself and others. Please support The Marcia “Faye” Bent Foundation at
Visit the Statutory Fingerprinting & Notary, Inc. website.
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