The first 4 people to email us the answer to the question (QR code Cheat sheet available) below will receive a signed copy of Jamaican author, Marlon James, new book “John Crow’s Devil “. We must receive the email by 5:00 pm on September 3rd, 2010. Email us at [email protected] with the subject: John Crow’s Devil contest

What year did the  Calabash International Literary Festival start in Jamaica?

If you have a Smartphone you can use the QR code below to get the answer.


 Go to on your mobile phone. I-nigma will automatically identify your handset type, download and install i-nigma.


How does QR Codes work (See the diagram above):

  • Download the application to your Smartphone
  • Take a picture of the QR code with your cell phone
  • QR reader decodes it
  • It directs you to more information. (websites)



  • This contest is open to everyone, worldwide, age 18 and older.
  • reserves the right to publish contestant’s submitted material on all our online distribution channels.
  • Only one submission per person
  • No purchase necessary.
  • Limit one entry per person.
  • The contest begins August 30th, 2010 and end September 3rd, 2010. All entries must be received by 5:00PM EST on September 3rd, 2010.
  • Eligibility: Void where prohibited by law.
