Tell us about your reaction when you heard you had won Ms. /Mr. 2004?
I am one of those people that have never won anything before so needless to say I was shocked. Now I hope to continue this winning streak and have already purchased some lottery tickets.
Did you consult with last years contest winners?
Nope, I just looked around and found the funniest pictures of my competitors that I could find hoping that I could shame them into forfeiting.
Did you enter last years contest?
No, I don’t think I was eligible to enter last year b/c the contest took place on a day that I had to work. This year, I have gotten my priorities straight and now know that is more important than my job.
What did you think when you first heard about the contest?
I thought that I had a good chance at winning.
Why did you enter the contest?
I entered so that I could win the coveted title as well as the great prizes. I also was hoping that as winner I could reform some of our more subversive members (i.e. Portmore.)
How do you feel about the boardites voting you as the winner?
At first I thought maybe there was a mistake!? Boal! No seriously, I am very proud and honored that my fellow boardites voted for me. Personally I can think of no one better to wear this crown (By the way, when will my crown be arriving?)
What does being Ms./Mr. mean to you?
That if my boss catches me online I can tell him I am merely protecting my title. I can also tell him it is one of my duties to clock a certain number of hours on Then I can give him a good ‘ol LadyZ :rolleye:
Also, it makes me feel very proud. I love it has taught me so much about myself.
What would you like to see in the next contest?
I would love to see more competitors, humiliating photos, and, judges. I think it should be a longer event to give more people time to compete.
Did you have any idea you would become a part of the online community?
I had no idea at all. I was just looking for some information about Jamaica after I took my first vacation there. I loved the country and all she had to offer. I was curious to understand Jamaican Patois and know more about the food I was eating while there. This site has become so much more than just a resource of information about Jamaica. I have made many friends here and am so proud to be a part of this community.
What were thoughts of the bulletin board when you first visited?
I thought
a) Are all of these board members are mad?
b) What the heck do these posts say?
c) I loved the encouragement I received from other members to stick around and learn more.
d) I thought the site was well organized and was appealing to the eye.
e) Oh yes and most important of all… the board members turned out to be more than mad. They are completely insane.
Where in the world are you located?
I live in Maryland, U.S.A. However, I suspect that with all the extra time I will be spending on protecting my title, this year I may end up in Bellevue with a few of the other members.
What advice do you have for Mr. and Ms. contestants for next year?
Fight dirty! Dig up the most embarrassing photo’s you can find of your competitors, even if it happens to be a zoo animal that you mistake for a competitor. All’s fair in love and war!