QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,

My grandmother has been taking care of me since I was a child. When I turned 18 years old, she gave me a piece of land. A lot of my other relatives also got a piece of the land and built houses on it. On my piece there was a house my grandmother started and so I spent my money and finished it up. While it was being surveyed for each of us to start paying our own taxes, my grandmother died. Now my aunt who is my mother’s younger sister is telling me to move because she wants the house I completed. My mother is dead so I do not really have anyone to turn to and my aunt came and gave me a notice to quit. Can you please help me. I have no more money and I am now 26 years old and looking for a stable job, as I do not get money regularly.

Sophie Cameron

RESPONSE: Dear Sophie,

You are going to have to wait until your aunt gives you further court documents for you to respond formally through the court. You can also apply for an injunction at the Supreme Court and our team can assist with document preparation for a fee.

Legal Wiz


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