Sick of beng afraid
of being still in the dark
I was locked inside the
closet you trapped me in
I was lost to your game of heart
I was struck down with your darts
But it is funny how life always plays its part
You laughed at my demise
took pleasure in my misery
Picked me apart, repeatedly slapped me
But it is funny how life always plays its part
Did you think that I was going to
stay down forever
You thought wrong-
I am back, I am big, and better
It is funny how life always plays its part,
and I can’t lie
I want to see you get what you gave
But I am back, bigger, and better than ever
A final goodbye to you forever
Do you because I am going to do me
I have finally realized how beautiful I can be
I am more beautiful than I can say
Never more shall demons like you lead me astray.

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