Do all your Jamaican friends laugh at you every time you open your mouth and try to speak Jamaican? Jamaicanize your vocabulary here with our words that start with J
If you don’t see a term, tell us and we’ll put it up

Jacket: The term used to describe a man told he is the father of a child by the mother when he’s actually not.
Jah: One of the names used to refer to God – See Psalm Chapter 68 verse 4 (KJV)
jammin: dancing, having a good time
jamdung: Jamaica
jancro: vulture that is a scavenger, John Crow
jelly: a young water coconut with soft coconut meat
jeezan or jeezan peas: a term used to express surprise or amazement
jook: to prod, pierce, stick, to poke, to stab
jubee: The term used to describe a nice girl. It may also be used affectionately to describe a girlfriend/wife. Example: “She is a nice likkle jubee”
