Do all your Jamaican friends laugh at you every time you open your mouth and try to speak Jamaican? Jamaicanize your vocabulary here with our words that start with Q-R
If you don’t see a term, tell us and we’ll put it up
Quashi: a peasant
Quips: a small portion
Quing-up: to compress
Quint/Qint: Blink, Blink of an eye
Quattie: of no value, the term is derived from the name that was given to the 1 ½ penny (a penny plus half a penny) that was used in Jamaica during British rule. A Quattie was often refered to as penny ha’ penny during the time it was used as currency in Jamaica.
Raggamuffin: Used to describe some who is a roughneck or street tough.
Rampin: playing
Rassclat: a curse word.
ray ray: similar to saying “etc etc”
rawda: rather
raw: hungry, outspoken, direct
ratbat: fruit eating bat
ratchet: a switchblade knife
rathid: a term used in surprise, similar to Ooh Noo
rail up: get excited
red yeye: envious, impudent, out of order, arrogant self confidence
renk: foul smell, raw
rispeck due: Respect due, the term is used a special recognition to a person
risto: an aristocrat, an upper class person
ruff: rough
run boat: outdoor cooking with food gathered amongst friends on a short notice
rungkus pungkus: sex, mix-up