Proof Marriage Is Not What You Think

Michelle and I are HUGE basketball fans. Basketball along with fishing is our thing. We play basketball every chance we get. Our son Tyler has now come to love the game also and joins us at the basketball court. Anyone who plays street ball knows how competitive it gets, sometimes bringing out the greatest negative emotion due to the craving for a win.

A foul call, traveling call, moving screen, ball out of bounds call and so many more calls, are all recipes for arguments due to one’s own opinion of what he sees at that moment. Worse, without a referee, hence street ball, and having to make our calls, brutal disagreements flare up often. Opinions always seem to defer and without proof it’s hard to determine whose call is right or wrong.

To resolve the issues we end up choosing to shoot at the basket in a DO or DIE decision as to who gets the ball. The dispute is at the core of street ball games.

There are so many ideas about what marriage is. Everyone seems to have a different spin on why they get married. Whenever I host a marriage class I ask these two questions, “What is marriage?and “Why did God create marriage?” The answers I get, though many are valid answers, differ in so many ways.

Everyone has a different opinion of marriage and a different reason for getting married. The dispute is at the core of the discussion on marriage and its purpose for being created by God. There is a verse in the Bible that indisputably clarifies the meaning and purpose of the creation of marriage. It is such a powerful verse, yet quite often not applied to life, robbing us of a successful life and marriage.

“So whatever you eat or dink or whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God” – 1 Corinthians 10:31

Marriage is worship to God
Marriage is worship to God

Our actions toward each other in marriage as husband and wife should be driven by the desire to glorify God in everything that we do in the marriage relationship. Quite often we look at marriage as just another thing where we get together with the one we admire outwardly but the greater love is treating each other in a manner pleasing to God.

This is an indisputable fact from God Himself that will never steer your marriage relationship the wrong way.

“For from him and through him and for him are ALL things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen” – Romans 11:36

Everything God creates is for His Glory. This includes your marriage. God created Marriage. When husbands and wives change their perspective on marriage to match God’s perspective and aim to worship God by obeying God’s order for marriage relationships, marriage relationships flourish and last forever.

When spouses treat marriage as just another thing in this world, doing marriage their way, choosing not to love and respect each other, and not submitting to each other as unto Christ, the marriage brings no Glory to God. This is an indisputable fact, not an opinion. Aiming to glorify God in the marriage is a factual command that brings success in any marriage when obeyed.

Huddle up and decide to hold each other accountable to bring Glory to God who created marriage and is the only One who can help you both in times of trouble in your marriage relationships. It is of great benefit to treat your marriage as worship to God. Only He can bring you both joy and peace as you partner with Him along your beautiful marriage journey.



  • Carim Hyatt

    Carim has a passion for marriage and family. He and his wife, Michelle, are hosts of MARRIAGE IN A MINUTE, a radio talk show reaching all over the world. He has authored two books, The importance of Salvation and Staying Married Becoming One Flesh. His journey has taken him from Insurance adjuster to minister through writing and public speaking.

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