The following information is provided as a guideline to assist you in making an informed decision on what to take and how to go about putting it all together. Rules and Regulations concerning some items are confusing at best and may change so please be advised you must verify everything with the appropriate agency before making the final decision on what you can include and how much it may cost.

The type of goods you can take back to Jamaica fall into three basic groups.

  1. PERSONAL AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: These are items of furniture and household equipment, which you may need to establish a home in Jamaica.
  2. TOOLS OF THE TRADE: That type and amount of instruments, tools, equipment, devices and machinery as would be usually used in the normal course and scope of a person’s profession, trade or occupation without utilizing additional labor (i.e. items must be for sole use of the individual to generate income, individual must be qualified to use them and the type and quantity for personal usage and not to be resold).
  3. BUSINESS OR INVESTMENT EQUIPMENT: When you are considering starting a business which requires the importation of equipment other than allowed as tools of trade, there may be other concessions and assistance available to you. Business people and investors are encouraged to consult with JAMPRO, Jamaica’s Economic Development Agency, at their several locations. The Department and the Overseas Missions have supplies of brochures prepared by JAMPRO, which describe that organization’s role and services, and are available on request.

A Returning Resident can ship Personal and Household goods or Tools of the Trade into Jamaica as UNACCOMPANIED BAGGAGE. UNACCOMPANIED BAGGAGE is defined as those goods that are going to Jamaica but not physically with you as a carry on or checked baggage on your flight home to Jamaica. A Shipping Agent or Freight Forwarder will prepare a Bill of Lading listing the items you are shipping. The original copy will accompany your goods to the wharfage or warehousing company responsible for their storage until they are cleared. A copy of the Bill of Lading along with the name of the local agent of the shipping company or airline in Jamaica that carried your goods will be given to you by the Shipping Agent.

Keep this with you on your flight home to Jamaica. You will be contacted when your goods have arrived and are ready for pickup. Note: storage costs are payable for goods that are kept at the port for more than seven (7) days after the ship’s arrival.

During your journey to Jamaica, you will be given Customs Declaration Form C.5 to present to the Customs Officer at the airport. Be sure you indicate the number of pieces of Unaccompanied Baggage you have shipped. You can get this from the copy of the Bill of Lading. On presenting the Customs Declaration Form C.5 to the Customs Officer, you should indicate you are a Returning Resident and that you require an Unaccompanied Baggage Declaration Form C.27.
