Jheanell Reynolds has had more than her share of trauma throughout her lifetime. Yet, despite having endured grief from the loss of loved ones, sexual abuse, and mental and physical illnesses, Reynolds has emerged a capable and confident woman whose passion lies in helping others. “My sole purpose in sharing my unique story is to offer support to other women and girls who have suffered similar traumas, as well as give a voice to those experiencing sexual abuse,” Reynolds says.

Wounded Survivor
In Wounded Survivor, Reynolds recounts the circumstances in her life that led to immense suffering and how her suffering transformed her physically and mentally, but rather than succumb to her pain and despair, Reynolds chose to face her wounds and make peace with them, ultimately allowing her to heal and focus on her future…a future devoted to empowering other women and girls with similar experiences and doting on her beloved nieces and nephew. Reynolds believes shining a light on these topics may embolden other women and girls to come forward and speak out. “As someone who has lived through these experiences, I can honestly say it is time to address these issues as a society and shed the stigma surrounding sexual abuse and mental illness,” she says. 

Wounded Survivor
About the Author
Born in Kingston, Jamaica, Jheanell Reynolds immigrated to the United States at the age of 16. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences and worked in market research for oncological products and rare diseases before moving on to the consumer product sector. She currently resides in Pennsylvania.

Jheanell Reynolds
