The Save Jamaica Fund (SJF) is the only UK based charity which funds the education of less fortunate children throughout Jamaica while simultaneously providing shelter for vulnerable homeless people, such as the elderly, disabled and those with children.
Founded in 2004, the SJF has three main objectives:
- The first objective is to fund the schooling of less fortunate children and young adults in Jamaica. 1 in 3 children in Jamaica are not attending school because they do not have the financial resources to do so. Missing out on education leaves these children with very little hope for career opportunities. With the Save Jamaica Fund paying for these children’s education, uniform and stationery, we are hoping to give more children the right to education that they deserve.
- The second objective is to build homeless accommodation in each of the 14 parishes in Jamaica. There are over 100,000 homeless people in Jamaica today and the numbers are rising. Due to a lack of government support and few jobs available in Jamaica, many vulnerable people such as the elderly, young and disabled find themselves living on the streets. The Save Jamaica Fund plans to build homeless accommodation for the most vulnerable in Jamaica. A safe place to live is the basic right of every human being, but unfortunately it is not reality.
- And finally, in the UK, SJF try to advance the education of children and adults by the teaching of Jamaican culture and heritage, through workshops, seminars, shows and exhibitions. This includes the study of music, literature, art, dance and history.
Every year, the Save Jamaica Fund put a minimum of 15 children into school, some for the first time. In 2006, the SJF helped 20 new children across Jamaica. Through a system where children apply to the Save Jamaica Fund for financial assistance, the organisation aims to help those who are most desperate and have no other way to pay for their basic tuition fees and educational resources.
The SJF has an overall aim to build at least one homeless unit in each parish of Jamaica. Each unit will hold space for up to 100 vulnerable homeless individuals and families. The first parish of focus is St Catherine. The SJF are planning to have the first homeless unit in St Catherine built by 2008.
70% of the charity’s revenue is generated from monthly donations. Everyday SJF volunteers set out trying to recruit as many regular monthly donators as possible. This method of donating allows the organisation to be able to plan ahead because of a steady and predictable income.
While the SJF do encourage people to become regular donators, the charity is very grateful for one off donations. One off donations helps us to make allowances for events and invest in other fundraising activities, which will help us to make more money. They also allow us to increase the amount of work we are doing overseas. All donations received help the Save Jamaica Fund to continue the invaluable work we are doing towards helping the poorest people of Jamaica and giving them access to the basic human rights they deserve. To make a one off donation please make a cheque or bank draft payable to ‘Save Jamaica Fund’ and post to: Save Jamaica Fund, PO Box 2717, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 2YF, England.
By donating just £5 a month, you will be funding the education of one Jamaican child for a year. It costs just £60 a year to send a child to school in Jamaica and with your help you can make this possible. You can also donate £3 or £2 a month to contribute to our ongoing preparation and building of homeless accommodation across Jamaica. If you live in the UK and would like to be a regular giver, please email [email protected] for a membership form.
Tel: 020 8286 8900 (automated telephone service)
Charity Registration No: 1109306