“Jamaica has become a corrupt country. We have been involved with a lot of scamming” – Do you know which Jamaican Celebrity said that this week? See our top ten great Jamaican Celebrity quotes to find out!

“Jamaica has become a corrupt country. We have been involved with a lot of scamming” – Freddie McGregor, on corruption and the music industry in Jamaica, jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20130829/ent/ent1.html

“There is a time and place for everything. You know you have to deal with people respectfully and you know code of conduct and choice of words. But then again we say bun fire straight fi dat lifestyle” – Sizzla Kalonji, giving his views regarding the recent criticisms of Queen Ifrica that she is homophobic which resulted in her ban from performing at a concert in Canada, jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/2013o828/ent/ent3.html

“Today is the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have A Dream” speech in Washington. Yuh think it fulfill or which things need improvement? Dem man yah sacrifice dem life fi equal rights and justice so respect due. Bless!” – Capleton, commenting on the Martin Luther King Jnr’s “I Have A Dream” speech (Facebook)

“50 years ago Martin Luther King Jr delivered “I Have A Dream” Speech which also inspired my song “I HAD A DREAM”, Anthony Cruz, on his lyrics and Martin Luther King Day, (Facebook)

“However Jah is moving around the pieces of our lives, they always fit together #PositiveVibrations” – Rita Marley, on life in its entirety, (Twitter: @nanaritamarley)

“Yow mi nah lie music sweet… mi studio a shell dung crazy frwd… blessed love”- Teflon, his view on recording music, (Twitter: @Teflon_JA)

“I didn’t have any show in Germany on Friday, nor did I collect a deposit to perform. I was in Europe for two weeks where I performed at several music festivals. If I was slated to perform on Friday I would not have left the continent on Thursday to return to Jamaica” – Elephant Man, commenting on his lack of appearances at music festivals in Europe which he is being bashed for in the German press, www.jamaicaobserver.com/entertainment/Hunting-Elephant-Man_14946721

“@madewithglee This is a serious tune I did and to hear you say that you get the message of the song means alot…youtubr/demarcolife (bun up)” – Demarco, responding to a fan who loves his song  “Nah Move Careless”, (Twitter: @DemarcoDaDon)

“Who want one?” – Gwhizz, the “Life Soon Sort Out Singer” on his furry little friends, (Twitter: @gwhizzdat)

“Heavy Trophy” – Chris Gayle, commenting on the CPL Limacol T20 Trophy which Jamaica won led by Gayle as Captain, (Instagram: @chrisgayle333)
