“Music doesn’t necessarily guarantee you long term plans” – Do you know which Jamaican Celebrity said that this week? See our top ten great Jamaican Celebrity quotes to find out!

“Music doesn’t necessarily guarantee you long term plans” – Stacious, the ‘Come Into My Room’ sing-jay on opening her gym (www.jamaicaobserver.com/entertainment/Stacious-singjays-for-fitness-_15174031)

“With this album I was able to realize a lifelong ambition which is to record a studio album with my own band. I did things at my own leisure without watching the clock” – Yasus Afari, Jamaican Dub Poet on his new album “Public Secrets” (www.jamaicanobserver.com/entertainment/Yasus-Afari-s-secret-is-out_15173104)

“#omiquotes  Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them. Blessed day x N” – Naomi Campbell, Model and ‘The Face’ Coach on opportunities and life (Facebook: Naomi Campbell)

“I really wanted to bring all the persons I have met in this 25-year journey together in one room to celebrate this milestone. And I figured there was no better way to do it but with a roast” – Actor and Comedian Christopher Johnny Daley, celebrating 25 years in Jamaican comedy (www.jamaicaobserver.com/entertainment/HERE-S-JOHNNY-)

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude #Denis Waitley” -Denyque, the super girl sharing some words of encouragement (Facebook: Denyque)

“Cultural Jamaican with a positive message to all that wants to reap more of God’s fruitfulness thanks” – Delroy ‘Bushman’ Francis, on what he has to offer music (Facebook: Bushman)

“I chose to make a tribute album to first show how much these legends influence my music and my life. I think a lot of our young people need to know where we are coming from musically and to help them be better in the future” – Anthony B, on his latest album “Tribute to Legends” featuring cover hits from Elvis Presley and Peter Tosh (www.jamaicans.com/entertainment/Anthony-B-pays-tributes-to-Legends_15154196)

“What did my grandmother say about empty barrel and making the most noise again?” Usain Bolt, the ‘big-man’ spouting a popular Jamaican proverb (Twitter: @usainbolt)

“A great Jamaican & Sportsman, #Courtney #Walsh always supporting D’Angel” – D’Angel, hanging out with Courtney Walsh one of her supporters (Facebook: D’Angel”

“Mummy, daughter flexin!” – Tifa, hanging out with her mother (Instagram: @itsthetifa)
