According to a report from the United States Department of Homeland Security, Jamaicans were second only to people from the Dominican Republic among travelers from the Caribbean living in the US on expired visas. The “Fiscal Year 2016 Entry/Exit Overstay Report” found that 9,621 Jamaicans overstayed their visitor, business, or student visas in that year. First on the list of Caribbean overstays was the Dominican Republic with 9,663 individuals. The report lists overstay rates on a country-by-country basis for non-immigrants arriving in the US by air and sea. The Top 10 rankings of other Caribbean nations on the 2016 overstay list are as follows:

Number 3: Haiti with 5,669 visa overstays.

Number 4: The Bahamas with 4,220 overstays.

Number 5: Guyana with 1,824 overstays.

Number 6: Barbados with 1,695 overstays.

Number 7: Trinidad & Tobago with 997 overstays.

Number 8: Cuba with 906 overstays.

Number 9: St. Vincent & The Grenadines with 362 overstays.

Number 10: Grenada with 340 overstays.
