My bedroom currently looks like a tornado-not-only-passed-through-but-decided-to-stay-in-my-room kind of mess. It looks this way around every year when I decide to Springrade (as I like to call it) my closet. Every Spring I make a special attempt of changing my Fall/Winter clothes to Spring/Summer clothes and it´s also a great way to stock take. Whether you have different seasons or not, April is the perfect time of year to do some revamping to your wardrobe. Get your creative caps on, put your wallets up, and let´s go shopping…. in your closet.
Women and men write me all the time, to ask about the latest fashion trends and how and where to get them, so that they may be able to look stylish. My answer to them begins always with a question “what´s in your closet?”
Step One: Clean out your closet
This is not simply a suggestion, it´s more like a rule. It really makes things clearer, even better, it helps you see and appreciate the stylish items you already may own. Make about three or four piles: one for items that fit so well, you can always rely on getting a compliment when wearing. This pile should also include anything that makes you feels great, no matter how old, as long as it fits, keep it. The second pile is for items that need tailoring, if you have lost or gained additional pounds. Don´t just let the clothes stay in the darkest corners of your closet hoping to gain or to lose in order to make it wearable. Get it fixed, get it adjusted, this includes mending hems and sewing on buttons. One pile will ultimately be for items to donate or throw away. The last one is optional, and I like to call this very tiny heap, miscellaneous… for obvious reasons.
Step Two: Edit like a 6th Grade Teacher!
Anything that makes you doubt yourself or shatters your esteem when you wear it, has to go….PERIOD. Every single time you try on something that doesn’t fit or flatter only promotes self-image problems. Not sure if something looks great? Everyone has fashion blind spots, so get someone to help. Preferably not from a good friend, children are the best critics in the world, almost cruel but very effective.
Step Three: Experiment
Editing is integral, but it doesn´t mean that you shouldn´t experiment. There are persons who think that they can’t wear heels, or colour, so they become literally trapped in the closet (I couldn´t resist saying that). Trapped to what they’ve always worn and thought to be stylish or comfortable. Try on combinations that typically “aren´t your style”. The outfit I created above typically isn´t my style either, however, after I added the jacket and heels and accessories, it was perfect to my liking. Once you venture out of your closet safety zone, you’ll see your fashion possibilities in a whole new light.
Step Four: Selfies Rule
Document your best looks, whether on Facebook, Keek, on your phone, Instagram or a folder on your computer. Pay attention and take pictures of outfits you loved and looked great in. Right before work or an event, it’s easy to forget a fabulous combination. Typically, looks which you had time to put together, generally garner more compliments. Having a reminder of great looks ensures you’ll always feel great about yourself when you step outside to greet the world!
About the Author – Lori Quast
Lori hails from Montego Bay, Jamaica and has lived in Virginia, Washington D.C. and New York, but now resides in Düsseldorf, Germany with her German husband Jens. When she isn´t working on her Seed of Style Fashion page, she can be found on her other page Love Crosses Borders. Love Crosses Borders is an international, interracial and intercultural community which focuses on couples, families and singles interested in love across borders. An online dating site focusing mainly on international love is said to be in the works.