For more than two decades, the cross-platform media house,, has displayed its dedication to connecting Jamaicans around the world – and all those who share a love for Jamaican culture – with the Best of Jamaica Survey. The annual survey kicked off on September 25, 2023, with an online poll distributed over 20 locations: Washington DC, Oakland, New Jersey, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Boston, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Chicago, Atlanta, Hartford, Houston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Toronto, London, and, of course, Jamaica. The survey is open for six weeks and give Jamaicans overseas and on the island the chance to display the essence of the country, highlighting its food, music, and the other rich elements that make Jamaican identity unique.

Jamaican Social Media Personality and Mental Health Advocate Julie Mango presented with the 2022 Social Media Personality of the Year Certificate (Best of Jamaica 2022 Results). Sharing in the moment is Founder and Chairman of Xavier Murphy and Consul General for Southern USA, Oliver Mair.

Showcasing Brand Jamaica

In the words of Xavier Murphy, the founder and chair of, “Jamaica is a brand. Our food, culture, people, and beautiful island are known worldwide. The Best of Jamaica showcases the best of the brand.” Presenting the Jamaican identity through its national motto, “Out of Many, One People,” the Best of Jamaica collects the views of Jamaicans and Jamaica lovers about the best representations of the nation’s culture in their local communities and culminates with an immersive virtual experience that incorporates the elements of food, music, and culture within the context of various categories.

New Categories for 2023

This year’s Best of Jamaica features new categories, including Jamaican Fashion Icon of the Year, Best Jamaican Social Media Page, Best Jamaican/Jamaican-Owned Company, Jamaican Music Video of the Year, and Jamaican Artiste of the Year. These categories join those in past surveys seeking opinions in categories such as Best TV Personality Host in Jamaica, Jamaican Person of the Year, and Jamaican Sports Personality of the Year. Jamaicans and Jamaica lovers the world over are invited to state their favorites in each category by taking a fun, five-minute survey.

Dedicated to Fostering Unity and Pride

Since 1995, has worked to instill a sense of unity, pride, and belonging among Jamaicans in all corners of the globe. The annual Best of Jamaica survey is part of the platform’s overall effort to curate diverse, engaging, and informative content highlighting Jamaica’s rich and unique culture.

What do you believe is the best of Jamaica in your city? Share your thoughts here.
