
This week on People Profile: Lana Lindo (Waterfalls)
Running any Restaurant/Night Club is not easy. Managing such establishment is a serious undertaking that requires commitment, diligence, tact and understanding. You can make the job easier by developing and implementing a series of considered and thorough plans, policies and procedures. As a manger, it’s always better to work consensually with your staff, so keep clear communication and make sure everybody buys into the Restaurant/Night Club and has a stake in its success.
This week on People Profile we welcome Lana Lindo, Managing Partner of “Waterfalls”, one of Broward Counties’s premier mature entertainment entity.

It is our extreme privilege to have you on People Profile Lana!

Lana Lindo
And it is certainly my pleasure to be here as well Dr.C, i must tell you that i appreciate People Profile and how you and your staff are highlighting the ordinary people of our community.

Absolutely my friend. Most patrons of Waterfalls may have seen you moving around like Mary Poppings. Could you please tell us a little about yourself?

Lana Lindo
I am an emigre of the West Indian diaspora living in Miramar, South Florida. A proud parent of two beautiful daughters, three grandchildren and a grand puppy.

Yes every family should have a puppy…..(or not!
Please share with us what is your greatest weakness/strengths?

Lana Lindo
My greatest weaknesses is empathy and my greatest strength is being courageous.

I see, could you explain how did your greatest strength help you perform at waterfalls?

Lana Lindo
Yes Dr.C, my greatest strength helped me tremendously by establishing the appropriate relationship with my staff and clientele.

No doubt, courage is a necessary ingredient. What would your staff say about you?…behind your back? lol

Lana Lindo
My staff would say that i am extremely generous, very considerate and courteous, but at the same time she is very stern. Dr.C i am certain they would say the same thing in front of me as well as behind me. lol

You wanna bet on that? lol (i am just kidding).
Do you consider yourself successful as a business woman?

Lana Lindo
I know you must be kidding
Yes most definitely, taking pride in my business career.

What kind of bartender/waitress would you refuse to work with?

Lana Lindo
I would not under any circumstance work with someone that’s discourteous and dishonest. Its not good for business and that’s not the image we seek.

Yes, image is everything Lana. What motivates you to do your best on the job?

Lana Lindo
My motivation is my need to succeed, however my staff is very special to me thus I’m obligated to perform for their satisfaction and their well being also.

Well i know you are not perfect and hence are prone to mistakes like everyone else. What have you learned from mistakes you have made while on the job?

Lana Lindo
I have learnt a lot in this business for a very short time, I’m very dubious of some people for the world is full of trickery. Pardon me…….pardon me Dr.C…

Ok then? What are some of the qualities you look for in a bartender or waitress?

Lana Lindo
I look for various things but one thing that really draws my attraction is their dress code which is of paramount importance. I am old school Dr.C and i believe you will never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Yup! i agree with you on that. Tell me about the most fun you have had at Waterfalls?

Lana Lindo
My greatest fun is always observing the pomp and pageantry of revelers frolicking at Waterfalls. One love

What are the most difficult decision you have made?

Lana Lindo
The most difficult decision I have ever had to endure was to cut staff. Of course this was because of intermittent down turn in the economy, (business slow).

Tell me about a time when your night didn’t turn out right?

Lana Lindo
Oh boy, when the tempest roar through.

Lana could you please describe a typical work week?

Lana Lindo
On the passage of a typical work week arduous, challenges punctuate the time, the entire landscape.

Challenges should be the order of the day running such an establishment. Describe a time when your workload was heavy?

Lana Lindo
I remember very well. I was doing a repast for 200 guests, table set ready to go. Everything was on point, then suddenly i had to make preparations for an additional 50 persons, then 100, then 200! lol. We had to make major adjustment to accommodate our guest. In the end it was a success!!


That was very good Lana.Tell me about a time you faced an ethical dilemma?

Lana Lindo
Dr.C there are several instances but one such time I faced an ethical dilemma was when I contemplated lowering prices to foster the desire of my patrons. Operating costs are sky high and our customers concerns are paramount therefore balancing both was very challenging.

Which DJ could you count on to “selloff” Waterfalls?

Lana Lindo
This by far is the easiest question, my in house DJ. Lol

In house? wow!
What is your biggest accomplishment at Waterfalls?

Lana Lindo
My biggest accomplishment at Waterfalls is the dominance of a woman in commerce.

What is your favorite drink?

Lana Lindo
My favorite drink is fresh coconut water with a shot of Greygoose. That will hit the spot for me !!

Yes that’s a very classy drink i might add.
Lana Linda it was certainly my pleasure speaking with you on People Profile. Please prepare yourself to participate in the 2016 People Profile Awards in June. Have a great evening.

Lana Lindo
Dr.C, again it was my pleasure speaking with you on People Profile and i am certainly looking forward for the 2016 People Profile Awards in June.

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