As we enter a new year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and anticipating what lies ahead. The start of a new year brings a unique opportunity to embrace fresh beginnings and renewed hope. For Christians, it is a time to deepen our trust in God’s promises and seek His guidance for the path ahead. Of course, we cannot undo the past or the consequences of some of our actions. However, they do not have to define us either. We can take the lessons learned, apply them to our lives, and keep moving forward with the resolve to do and be better.

In Isaiah 43:19, God reminds His people that He is always working to bring about something new. In the Amplified Biblethe verse reads, “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” The imagery of making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland speaks to His power to transform even the most challenging and barren seasons of our lives. For some of us, that included some “night shifts,” those dark seasons in which it is said that God does His best work. Just as the Israelites needed assurance of God’s provision during their time in exile, we, too, can take comfort in His faithfulness (Lam. 3:21–23). He is a God of renewal, constantly shaping our lives for His glory (Romans 8:28–29).

The start of a new year invites us to reflect on the areas in our lives that need transformation. Perhaps it’s a strained relationship, a persistent habit, a feeling of distance between ourselves and God, or an area of spiritual stagnation. Whatever the challenge, God is ready to do a new thing in us if we open our hearts to Him. This process requires surrender. Yes, that “s-word” that many of us strongly dislike, if not outright hate. However, when we let go of our fears, doubts, and the burdens of the past, we make room for God’s Spirit to work within us.

As we look forward to the year ahead, it’s important to approach it with faith and intentionality. The psalmist reminds us, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it” (Psalm 127:1). We could add a relationship, a career, or a business, to name a few. If we do not build on the foundation of God’s word, we are wasting our time. Setting spiritual goals can be a meaningful way to align our lives with God’s purpose. This could include committing to daily prayer, deepening our understanding of Scripture, or serving others in new ways. Small, consistent steps can lead to profound growth over time. It’s also crucial to remember that God’s timing is perfect. While we may desire immediate change, some seasons of growth take time. Trusting in His plan allows us to cultivate patience and hope, knowing that He is always at work behind the scenes.

To you and yours, a blessed, purposeful, and fulfilling New Year!


  • Colin Wilson

    Easy going, dislike negativity, and an optimist. I believe that amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday living, each day is a gift from God and if we stop and think about it, there is at least one thing for which we ought to be thankful. In addition, I believe that every day is a great day to be alive. No matter how bad we think we have it, there are any number of people who are on the "other side" who, if they could, would gladly trade places with us. Email me at [email protected]

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