Have you ever tried boiled whole wheat dumplings before? For the health-conscious who are looking for an alternative to refined white flour dumpling then whole wheat flour dumpling is for you.  It is more nutritious than refined white flour dumpling and natural.  The dumpling has no nutritional value however no “true” Jamaican meal is complete without it.


  • 2 cups whole wheat cups flou
  • ½  teaspoon salt
  • ½  cup cold water

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  1. Combine the whole wheat flour and salt together into a large mixing bowl. Add the water 3 teaspoons at a time, just enough to bring the dough together with a firm consistency.
  2. On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough well, for about five minutes.
  3. Boil a pot with water
  4. Break off pieces and form the dough into slightly flattened round biscuits, about 2 inches across. For spinners roll the pieces between your palms into a pen shape.
  5. Place the pieces, un-crowded, into the pot of hot water –(Approx 5 -8 minutes)
  6. Serve hot with other food (Serves 6-8)
