QUESTION: Dear Legal wiz,

Before leaving Jamaica for home in the United States, I gave my tenant notice. My cousin who brought them on the premises is going to be responsible to take them to Court. I therefore asked him to sign the notices with me. Its now five months later and my cousin went to take out summons and was unsuccessful. He’s telling me I need to give him a letter, and this makes no sense to me. Can you research and find out whats happening?

Moiya Tanna

RESPONSE: Dear Moiya,

If your cousin’s name is not on the title, he has to show some form of authority from the rightful owner. This means that if you are the owner, you will need to send him a letter. This letter however must be a power of attorney document notarised in the United States where you are. He will have to get it registered before he can use it here as well. Please understand that this power of attorney document does not mean he can operate as an attorney. He will represent you with the facts. so he may need to contract the services of an attorney-at-law additionally.

Legal Wiz


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