Earlier this week, Yanique ‘The Curvy Diva’ Barrett discovered that unscrupulous persons have been imitating her on Instagram with the intention of soliciting money from unsuspecting promoters and fans. Yanique is now issuing a public warning of this fake Instagram profile created to solicit PayPal deposits for promotion.

”My team and I discovered the page late Monday night and immediately reported it to Instagram as fake and reached out to fans on my real page to ask them to report this page as fake as well” Yanique shared “The page was soliciting money for promotions via PayPal which is something I would never do on instagram, so guys please be careful” Yanique added

The curvy Divas official Instagram page is Yaniquecurvydiva (one ‘a’ at the end) and has 100,000 followers.The fake page had close to 15,000 followers and was listed as Yaniquecurvydivaa (two a’s at the end).

This specific page has been reported and removed however Yanique wants her fans and followers to know the correct platform to book her for any promotional engagement.
“StreetCred Jamaica is the only company authorized to accept bookings on my behalf. To book the Curvy Diva to host or appear at any event please email [email protected].” Yanique admonished “Do not fall prey to these scammers because we wouldn’t want you to lose your hard earned money”

The Curvy Diva recently hosted Britjam Flesh in Montego Bay St James alongside US based model and host BlacChyna. She is also the TV host of the popular Jamaican Competition ‘Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall’ aired every Saturday night on local TV station, TVJ.
