It is generally believed that the average person uses only about 10% of their potential. That is to say that the average person could be ten times more productive and successful than they currently are. Studies done at Stanford University Brain Institute are even less flattering. They claim that the average person only uses about 2% of their full potential. No matter which figure you agree with, it is clear that we perform far below what we are capable of. According to Abraham Maslow we are consistently “selling ourselves short.” We concoct all kinds of reasons to rationalize and justify our poor performance and lack of success, ignoring the fact that we all have the ability to develop far beyond anything we have achieved so far. Brian Tracy noted that “The potential of an average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.”

Clarify Your Vision
Start developing a long term vision of yourself. Jump forward five or ten years into the future and see yourself fully developed in every important area of your life.
What would it look like? To what level would you have developed your skills and abilities in your chosen field?
What kind of success and recognition would you be enjoying because of the excellent work you do? How would you feel about yourself once you are one of the most recognized people within your area of expertise?

Set Goals
Once you have crafted your vision, start shaping it into specific actionable goals. Write down at least ten goals you would like to achieve personally and professionally in the area of personal development. From that list, determine the one goal that would make the biggest impact on your life and start working out a schedule, with firm timelines and benchmarks for achieving it. Don’t delay. Start working on your plan immediately and ensure that you have tangible ways to measure your progress towards your goal of self improvement. Perhaps the measurement is in terms of the number of books you read per month or even the number of appointments or sales you’ve made because of your increasing skill set.

Develop Winning Habits
Without question, the habits that you have adopted in the past are largely responsible for your skill set, level of performance and ultimately the success that you enjoy today. To be all that you can be, you must develop new winning habits. Perhaps the single most important habit you can develop is self-discipline, which has been described as the “ability to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”

Shun the tendency to think that others are more capable than you. Remember that what others have done, within reason, you can do too. Conversely, resist the temptation to not play full out because you are afraid to show up others. Author and lecturer Marianne Williamson reminds us that “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine.”

Keep On Pushing!


  • Devon Harris

    Devon Harris was a member of the Jamaican Bobsleigh team and competed in three Winter Olympics; he later joined the army and attended the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst. Born on Christmas Day, 1964 and raised in a violent ghetto environment in Kingston, Jamaica, the greatest gift Devon Harris ever received was the belief that a positive attitude and a never say die philosophy would carry him farther than a sense of injustice and a heart filled with anger.A graduate of the prestigious Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in England, Devon received a Queen’s Commission in December 1985 and served in the officer corps of the Jamaica Defence Force until December 1992 when he retired as a Captain.At the heart of Devon’s message are the lessons he has learned of the power of persistence over all sorts of obstacles in order to live one's best life. His mission is to bring this message of how everyone can keep on pushing and working for their dreams every day of their professional as well as personal lives.Encouraged by his commanding officer, Devon tried out for and was selected to the first Jamaican bobsled team which competed in the 1988 Olympic Games in Calgary, Canada. Their exploits inspired the Disney blockbuster movie Cool Runnings. Devon also competed in and was captain of the 1992 Winter Olympic Games in Albertville, France and the 1998 Games in Nagano, Japan.The Keep On Pushing Foundation which he founded in 2006 aims to support and enhance the education of kids in disadvantaged communities around the globe by providing practical solutions to the challenges that are preventing them from getting educated.Through the Keep on Pushing Foundation, Devon also works with Right to Play as an athlete ambassador, supporting Right to Play’s efforts in using sports and play in refugee camps around the world to enhance child development and build community capacity.As an ex-serviceman, Devon understands the commitment, sense of duty and sacrifices made by those who volunteer to serve. As a private citizen he is cognizant of the fact that the freedoms he enjoys are paid for by the courage and sacrifice of these men and women. As a result he has also devoted time to visit the troops serving in the Persian Gulf.He is the author of the motivational children’s book, Yes, I Can! and the semi-auto-biographical motivational book Keep On Pushing: Hot Lesson From Cool Runnings.

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