Olga – A Daughter’s Tale is based on the true story of a kind, naive and gentle girl who was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica. One of eleven children from a close-knit coloured Catholic family, she came to London in 1939 to live with a malevolent, alcoholic aunt intending to study dance and stay for only six months. But, world events, personal tragedy and malicious intent all combined to prevent her from returning home to Kingston.
It is a story of the cruelty, revenge and jealousy inflicted on an innocent young woman and how she demonstrated moral courage, dignity, resilience and love. It is the story of a remarkable woman who made a choice which resulted in her losing contact with her beloved family in Jamaica until nearly half a century later, when her past finally caught up with her.


The Beginning of my Journey of Discovery
In 1994, my mother, Carmen Browne, was admitted to the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton, seriously ill.  As she slowly recovered I realized that had she died so too would the chance of my finding out about her past, her family in Jamaica and, of particular importance to me, who my father was information she had resolutely refused to share with me.  So I decided to find out for myself.
 My Mother’s Real Name
My first discovery was that my mother’s real name was Olga Browney, born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica and one of eleven children from a close-knit, coloured Catholic family.  A kind, naïve and gentle girl, my mother arrived in London in 1939 and lived with a malevolent, alcoholic aunt, intending to stay for only six months.  However, world events, personal tragedy and malicious intent all combined to prevent her from returning home to Kingston.
Cruelty and Moral Courage
“Olga – A Daughter’s Tale” is about cruelty, revenge and jealousy inflicted on an innocent young woman and about moral courage, dignity, resilience and, in particular, love.  It is the  story of a remarkable woman, who because of circumstances, made a choice, which resulted in her losing contact with her beloved family in Jamaica, until nearly half a century later, when her past caught up her.


From Maisie Richardson…East Midlands
I have just finished reading Olga-A Daughters Tale, Marie-Therese Browne’s tribute to her mother. The descriptions of Jamaica, and the historical information, created a vivid background to a moving story of a young woman’s courage. Well done Marie-Therese Browne.
Loved it!

From Anthony Campbell
The story of Olga is the very emotional real life story of an incredible young girl who leaves her family in Jamaica and settles in London, having planned to attend a dance school. It doesn’t all go as planned though and Olga falls on some very hard and extremely emotional times, yet despite being timid and naive, she always manages to pull through.

It’s an incredibly powerful tale – I absolutely loved it and am left wanting to know more about the wonderful Olga and her young daughter Marie. In addition to learning about this remarkable woman, the book – whilst moving from one generation of the family to the next – provides you with some fascinating historical and cultural facts about Jamaica and London.

From Frederic
Fascinating true story, a very touching and moving book about an inspirational personal life, and which has an epic feel about it, from Jamaica to England amidst World War II !
Can’t help but thinking that it’s screaming “Make a movie of it, make a movie of it!!”.

Where to buy the book
Buy the book now at lulu.com
