Brigadier General Lorna Mahlock is a Jamaican-born Marine and the first woman in the U.S. to ever be nominated and confirmed in the rank of Brigadier General. She’s currently the Director of Command, Control, Communications and Computers and the Deputy Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer.
Nominated by Pres. Donald Trump for the promotion, it was announced by former Defense Secretary, James Mattis in April 2018. Mahlock was formerly stationed in Okinawa, Japan and was Deputy Director, Headquarters Marine Corps Plans, Policy and Operations and Commanding Officer, Marine Air Control Group 18 where she oversaw 1,300 military and civilian personnel and $250 million in military equipment.
Mahlock was born in Kingston, Jamaica and immigrated to Brooklyn, NY. She graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI and enlisted in the Marine Corps. Selected for the Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP), she was commissioned in Dec. 1991.
The Brig. Gen. is a graduate of the United Kingdom Defense College Higher Command and Staff. She holds a number of degrees, including a Master’s in Adult and Higher Education from the University of Oklahoma at Norman; a Masters in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College in Newport, RI; a Masters in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College; and a Masters Certificate in Information Operations earned at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Mahlock was an Air Traffic Control Officer with certifications as a Federal Aviation Administrator Tower Local Controller and Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Instructor. She has more than 30 years in the military.
The one-star general has command and combat experience around the world and has led and commanded in numerous positions that include, but isn’t limited to, Operation Southern Watch and Operation Iraqi Freedom 1; Operations and Executive Officer, Iraqi Freedom 2; Commanding Officer, Iraqi Freedom 8; Director Marine Air Command and Control System Experimental; Information Management Officer; J3 Land Operations Lead and Division Executive Officer, Headquarters European Command; and Marine Corps Office of Legislative Affairs and Assistant Chief of Staff G6.
Brig. Gen. Mahlock’s personal awards encompass the Good Conduct Medal; Legion of Merit; Meritorious Service Medal; Defense Meritorious Service Medal; Joint Service Commendation Medal; Joint Service Achievement Medal; Naval and Marine Corps Commendation Medal; and the Navy and Marne Corps Achievement Medal.