Thirty copies of the popular book, Destination Cayman Islands, which showcases the Cayman Islands, are being donated to government schools and libraries across the country.

The glossy hard-back publication is a detailed look at the history, culture and economy of the Cayman Islands. It comprises insightful contributions from many of Cayman’s prominent business figures, as well as taking readers on a comprehensive tour of the islands’ sights, and a fascinating journey through history. The books’ striking photographic content makes reading the accounts of life in the islands a highly visual experience.

The generous donation to schools and libraries is the result of an agreement between former National Archive Director and contributing author, Dr. Philip Pedley, and the books’ publisher, Mr. Michael Phillips.

Dr. Pedley noted, “The National Archive is happy to be able to provide copies of this impressive new publication to schools and libraries throughout the Cayman Islands. It was a pleasure for me to write the section on Cayman’s history. I trust that the blend of text and illustrations will help students understand their heritage better, and that readers will take advantage of the wealth of information this book has to offer.”

Distribution of the books to all government schools and libraries will be facilitated by the Ministry of Education, Training, Employment, Youth, Sports and Culture. The Minister, Honourable Alden McLaughlin, said about the donation, “It is my sincere hope that these books will stimulate local readers’ interest in, and enhance their knowledge of, the heritage, identity and fabric of the society in which they live.”

It is hoped that the books will reach all the recipients in February, and prove to be popular among students and a welcome addition to libraries
