“I like you a lot” Tom shouted. “Oh, so you only like me?” his wife, Mary responded in a disappointed tone. As Tom came out of the bathroom, Mary approached him and said we need to talk. They sat on the couch and Mary shared her heart with Tom. “You used to tell me you love me all the time, what changed?” “Do you not love me anymore?” Mary continued. Tom quietly and humbly explained the truth to Mary. “Honey, think about this carefully and answer me honestly. Do I treat you lovingly or not?” “Yes you do Tom but I just like to hear it” Mary responded.
Many couples have this conflict out of innocent ignorance. Lots of unnecessary arguments, malice, sex-less nights, periods of no intimacy and many other poisonous threats to the marriage are a result of falling into the world’s way of love and marriage.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing[a] her by the washing with water through the word, Ephesians 5:25-26. (Not love your wives if you like their ways). This spells truth for the wife also respecting her husband.
The world says “I love you” and really means I like you without even realizing it. The proof is that the minute one spouse sees something they do not like about the other they are quickly ready to call it quits. A Godly marriage must not look like a marriage in the world. Godly marriages last a lifetime when both husband and wife apply this one truth and radically live by it to please the creator of marriage and each other. Change your marriage for better by applying this one truth….
It is when you get married and living together in a marriage relationship that you get the great privilege of taking action by SHOWING LOVE. Saying “I love you” without showing “I love you” is like telling a dog to speak. It amounts to nothing. You really like or dislike your spouse’s ways but you love your spouse regardless of whether you like their ways or not. Love does not depend on feeling or looks. If it were so you would love your spouse today and hate them tomorrow. Love never changes tunes. You may like the way your spouse cooks or cleans but not like how they talk to you, but love never depends on these positives and negatives.
When a husband and wife understands and accepts this truth, applying it to their lives, the marriage relationship gets filled with love. Love is action while like is a feeling without the need for action. I can like a car but cannot show love to it, so “I love that car” really means “I like that car.” Don’t mix this up by applying this twisted phrase to your marriage relationship. It is best to show love without saying a word than to say the wrong word and not show love.
Huddle up and enjoy each other by showing real love to each other despite the likes and dislikes about each other. Michelle and I pray for all marriages to be in the image of Christ. The best is yet to come in yours!
Contact information: Carim Hyatt’s Profile – edit (dot.cards)
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