In 2014, the Lionel Town Health Centre in Clarendon was expanded at a cost of $ 22, 956, 841.00, through the Sugar Transformation Unit of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce with funding from the European Union, which has significantly boosted the quality of services, resulting in a 66 percent increase of clientele.

According to Parish Manager of the Clarendon Health Services, Mr. Joseph Grant, the community of Lionel Town and its environs have been benefiting significantly as the Heath Centre and its service offerings have been extensively improved.

“For instance, we have seen increased service offerings at our Mental Health Clinic. Previously, we would cater to 30 clients, now we are providing service to upwards of 90 customers on a daily basis. We are really seeing wonderful developments as a result of the project and for that we are extremely thankful” Mr. Grant said.

Mr. Grant was speaking at the tour of the Health Centre on Friday, June 30 by Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Hon. Audley Shaw; Head of Delegation of the European Union, Ambassador Malgorzata Wasilewska and her team and representatives from the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce Sugar Transformation Unit, which toured project sites in Clarendon.

The Parish Manager explained that the expansion project included construction of a ground floor to accommodate a waiting area and bathroom facilities; construction of stations to accommodate laboratory service, family health service, environmental service and mental health service and the construction of dental stations. He added that the old building was remodelled and renovated to create access to the new building in addition to partition and extension works.

The Health Centre also offers care to former and current sugar workers in an around the community of Lionel Town, who would visit the Monymusk Health Centre before its closure.

