QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,

I got an order in the Court to finally get rid of the troublemaker in my house. I do not have the money to pay the bailiffs and they told me that they cannot act without payment.

I also won the case for outstanding rent, and its not a lot, so I dont think I should have to wait. The bailiff office says thee fee has to be paid.

Can your team assist?


RESPONSE: Dear Sashina,

The only assistance anyone can give you is to pay the fees. You might want to consider paying the small fees so that the money can be recovered to offset the sums due for recovering the house. Nobody but a court bailiff is authorised legally to recover the house. That means only the bailiff of the court can ‘kick’ out the troublemaker after an order is secured from the Resident Magistrate.

You must understand however that there are procedures involved so you need to visit the Court to see what they are. For example, anyone who gets an order must obtain a formal order from the Court to follow up.

Legal wiz


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