Jamaican Chinese Style Roast Chicken Recipe

Next to Roast Duck this is another signature Jamaican Hakka dish and one of my favorites. It is a must-have dish for any type of celebration dinner if you are from a Jamaican-Chinese household. Use to struggle to decide between which one to eat at these celebrations. So I have both. One on the first plate of food and another on my second plate of food..lol..Hope you enjoy this Jamaican Chinese Style Roast Chicken Recipe.


  • 3 lb. whole chicken
  • 2 teaspoons dark soy sauce
  • Honey
  • 2 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon brown bean sauce


  1. Trim excess fat and rub the outside of a chicken with salt, dark soy sauce, and honey.
  2. Pre-soak your choice of yung yee, pak juk, or lily shoot.
  3. Combine  garlic, sugar, soy sauce, and brown bean sauce, and season the inside cavity only:
  4. Place chicken on rack and roast at 400ºF for 20 minutes, basting skin and adding a little water to the pan to preserve drippings.
  5. Reduce temperature to 350º and continue adding enough water to avoid burning the drippings/
  6. Total roasting time should be around 1½ hours.
  7. Pour drippings into a medium pot; skim off fat.
  8. Add seasonings from inside cavity and bring to a boil.
  9. Drain the yung yee (or lily shoot or pak juk) and add to pot.
  10. Add more water, extra brown bean sauce, soy sauce and other seasons to taste.
  11. Thicken sauce with cornstarch and serve over chicken.

Jamaican Chinese Style Roast Chicken Recipe