Puzzles by SG was launched recently with a series of jigsaw puzzles entitled, “Pieces of Home.” These jigsaw puzzles feature original images inspired by the rich culture of Jamaica and is specially curated to provide a beautiful, vivid, and vibrant art piece that can be framed after completion. Each puzzle is elegantly packaged to look right at home on your coffee table or bookshelf.
“It was in the wee hours of a sleepless night that I had the brilliant idea,” says Shauna- Gaye Hart, creator of Puzzles by SG. “I imagined capturing images that showcase the plethora of beauty that can be found across the island and converting them into puzzles.”
After a year of research and development, Puzzles by SG was able to produce and deliver a quality product with textured puzzle pieces to reduce glare when building your puzzle; sturdy pieces to ensure a seamless fit and includes a full-size poster – just in case you may need a little help.
In today’s digital world, jigsaw puzzles are extremely popular among adults and children, and makes for a fun group or individual activity with mental health benefits. The puzzles are packaged in 100-, 250-, 300-, and 500-piece designs to challenge any age or intellect level. New images and sizes are continuously being added to expand the company’s product offerings.
The Jamaican-themed puzzles can be purchased at affordable prices on the company’s website at puzzlesbysg.com and on Amazon.com.