Grace Jones: (Twitter: @Miss_GraceJones) Portfolio, 1977. What’s your favorite Grace Jone’s album?
Usain St. Leo Bolt: (Instagram: @usainbolt) Me and UWI football team taking them home #shuttle #service #sunhot #themlazy
Tyson Beckford: (Facebook) Now that we found love
Tessanne Chin: (Instagram: @thebestess) Maestro @direalshaggy so excited about this tune always a pleasure!!!
Elephant Man: (Twitter: @eledienergygod) Studio settings #Energy
Tifa: (Instagram: @itsthetifa) Today my journey took me to the Golden Spring Primary School! It was their Girls Day so I had to pass by and #empower #motivate #educate #mygirls
Yendi Phillips: (Facebook) Casual glam from KERRY manwomanhome!
Tony Hendricks: (Twitter: @jamaicapaleface) It’s a beautiful day and I’m working on the Jamaica National 25th anniversary fun day in Dulwich College Sports Ground #GetATan
Chris Gayle: (Twitter: @henrygayle) RT @NinjaAmy1998: @henrygayle. Can’t actually believe I met Chris Gayle:) thank you so much
Etana: (Twitter: EtanaSrongOne) I guess the more schools are broken the more expensive they are and the more the farmers can’t farm the more the country can prove they can’t take care of themselves, the more easy grants and loans