MISSION To assist the people of Kencot on their journey towards economic independence by helping to develop their human resources.


The St. Clement’s Development Centre was launched in 1998 as a response to the needs for Human Resource Development identified in the wider Kencot community. This followed the restoration of the St. Clement’s Mission in 1993 by St. Andrew Parish Church, Half-Way-Tree, and resumption of a strong Anglican presence in the area.

The Committee named by the rector of St. Andrew Parish Church, Rev. Father Robert Thompson, to represent the church and assist with the socio-economic development soon recognised that, like most Jamaican inner-city communities, unemployment was a major challenge to Kencot, so the committee engaged in a survey of the skill sets that would find gainful employment in the shortest time, and outlined in Achievements below are some of the courses conducted as a result of this survey.

As an inner city community Kencot enjoys relative calm and an objective of the Development Centre is to assist in improving the economic well-being of the citizens of Kencot as a means of ensuring further economic independence and deceleration of crime.


The community of Kencot falls within the following geographical boundaries: –

From the point where Kew Rd meets Maxfield Avenue

Southeasterly along Kew Road to meet Crescent Road

Northeasterly along Crescent Road to meet Grove Road

Northeasterly along Grove Road to meet Parry Road

Southeasterly along Parry Road to meet Osbourne Road

Southeasterly along Osbourne Road to meet Central Road

Southeasterly along Central Road to meet central Road Gully

Southwesterly along Central Road Gully to meet Lyndhurst Road

Northwesterly along Lyndhurst Road to meet Maxfield Avenue

Northeasterly along Maxfield Avenue to the starting point at the intersection with Kew Road.


The demographic and social statistics of the area (Statistical Institute of Jamaica) show the following: –

1. Number of households – 925

2. Number of males – 1,304

3. Number of females – 1,523

4. Total population – 2,827

5. Predominant level of education – Secondary (52.4%)

6. Predominant tenure of dwelling – Rent (50.1%).



With the assistance of some generous corporate citizens the SCDC has conducted a number of HRD projects, which have made a positive impact on community life and employment opportunities for the citizens of the community, including : –

1. Dining Room Training Course

A 2-month course with 8 graduates (5 women, 3 men), all of whom were assisted in gaining employment. Some elements of the course were (i) Logistics of Dining Area, (ii) Food Safety and (iii) Guest and Customer Relations.

2. Basic Adult Education

Done in conjunction with JAMAL (Jamaica Adult Literacy), this repetitive course in English, Mathematics and Civics upgrades adult members of the community to effective literacy and numeracy. Currently there are 8 students enrolled in the course.

3. Homework Assistance

This project brings children from the community into an environment conducive for homework assistance. Participants in this programme vary from Primary to High School age. The demand for this service is very high, but because of a lack of resources the project was suspended at the end of 2003.

4. Annual Youth Summer Camps

Run annually, this 3-week summer camp focuses on the socialization of the youth of the community. Each year a different theme is targeted in building the social and extra curricular life of the participants. The most recent camp trained 50 participants in playing a variety of musical instruments, which resulted in the formation of a Community Percussion Band.

5. Seed-funding for Micro Entrepreneurs

Residents of the community are assisted through grants and soft-loans to start income-generating projects.

6. Educational Assistance

This varies from paying external examination fees, school fee assistance, purchase of books and other educational materials, assistance with admission to schools, etc.


1. Adult Education

2. Barbering

3. Dining Room

4. Floral Decoration

5. Homework Assistance

6. Seed-funding for Micro Entrepreneurs

7. Educational Assistance

8. Annual Youth Summer Camp.


Attached are estimated annual costs of the eight (8) projects shown above. Donors may contribute as follows: –

1. A general contribution to the overall HRD objectives of the Centre

2. Select specific course(s) to be funded on an ongoing or annual basis

3. Contribute to specific course(s).

2 Crescent Road, Kencot, Kingston 10



Mrs. Sybil Thompson, Chairman



Dr. Las Newman, Vice Chairman



Mrs. Valerie Nam, Secretary


Mr. Frank James, Treasurer/Fund-raising


Miss Kirby Clarke, Fund-raising


Mr. Trevor Blake, Fund-raising

