Carnival, or ‘The Real Mas’, is a pre-Lenten festival, and usually falls in February or March each year. It  is unquestionably the most festive season in Dominica. It is hard to miss the fervour of the people’s loyalty to their favourite calypsonian or pageant during the preceding months of the Calypso Final and the National Queen Show.

Don’t Miss…

Calypso Monarch Calypso
Dozens of calypsonians are whittled down at elimination ‘tents’ in the weeks before the grand finale: the Calypso Monarch Competition.
Carnival Queen Show Queen Show
Showcasing the talents – and beauty – of our women, the Carnival Queen Show is for so many the highlight of Carnival.
Carnival Jump-up Jump-up
Carnival Monday & Tuesday are the two days of costume bands and street jump-up.

Sensey costume Sensay Costume
West-African in origin, this costume has made a comeback in recent years. Made of frayed rope, leaves and other material, it is always accompanied by a mask and often horns… quite a sight!
