If you have ever heard someone talk about the “Jamaican time” then you know Jamaicans are very laid back and notorious for being late. There are not many circumstances which can actually force them to wake up or show up earlier than they deem necessary.

Here are seven (7) occasions that make Jamaicans wake up or show up early:

  1. Flight – somewhere between the excitement of boarding a flight and going abroad (foreign), Jamaicans will find all the effort to be punctual and to show up on time. There is hardly ever anyone missing a flight from Jamaica to any other country.
  2. Embassy appointment – these appointments are very important and are taken as such. Jamaicans will always be on time for their embassy appointment/interviews. Between the headache and cost of making the appointment and the thrill of knowing there is a probability, you can freely travel to a foreign country – I don’t think anyone would want to miss that opportunity.
  3. Olympics and Track Event – Jamaicans live for Olympics and track and field events, they get overly excited and anxious for each event. No matter where in the world the Olympics is being staged and the difference in time zones, they will get up early to watch the daily events.
  4. Tax line – The tax office lines are infamous for being long and having very slow service, to avoid this, Jamaicans will get up early so they can be in and out of this business place as quickly as is possible.
  5. World Cup – Football is another important sport to Jamaicans, you will almost always find a group of young men, sometimes women playing football in the streets. Jamaicans will always tune in to a good game whether because they have a favourite team in the competition or because Jamaica is playing in the competition.
  6. Job interview – “First impression, lasts” is a common statement Jamaicans have known and understood for years. It simply means that whatever impressions you give a person on the first time you meet them is usually how they perceive you afterwards. In essence, it is important that the first impression a person gets of you is a good one. With that in mind and the importance of having a job, Jamaicans will ensure that they arrive on time for their interview, giving a very good impression of their punctuality.
  7. Receiving money from aboard – For years Jamaicans have been collecting remittances from family members or friends abroad. This is another occasion when they will wake up early to be able to get to the remittance outlet as soon as it opens in the morning.

Tell us in the comment section, what other things will make a Jamaican wake up early.

7 Things That Make Jamaicans Wake Up Early -PIN

Photo – Deposit Photos
