Tune in to the VP Records YouTube channel on Saturday, April 10th, 2021, at 7 pm for the Live broadcast of a friendly Sound Clash between St. George’s College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc., and the Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. The MC for the clash will be popular radio personality Steven “Sir Rockwell” Warner.

The True Blue Sound Clash of 2021 is replacing the traditional True Blue weekend soccer event.  Normally held annually, the pandemic forced organizers to present a match between the two schools in a different way.  This year marks the 17th year for the South Florida event though being held in a different format.  Past True Blue 2-day weekends attracted soccer enthusiasts from Canada, the Caribbean, Central American, and South America. The yearly fundraising event provides the schools with the funding necessary to present scholarships to Jamaica College and St. George’s College students. The event is held in honor of Dennis Ziadie, who coached players at both schools to Manning Cup victories. Nearly 2,000 soccer enthusiasts and supporters typically participate in the annual event.

Richard A. Lue, the director of business development at VP Music Group said, “We are pleased to host this Clash on our platform and look forward to the musical competition between two great schools.  I can’t wait to be supporting my school Cornwall College in the future.”

VP Records, which is based in New York City, is a pioneer in the Reggae and Soca music industry. VP Records is the only record label that represents the entire spectrum of Caribbean music.

For more information, visit the website at http://www.trueblueweekend.com or our Facebook Fan Page – http://www.facebook.com/trueblueweekend

The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida established in 2004 as a 501(c) (3). The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of Florida is committed to uphold the traditions of excellence of Jamaica College as one of the foremost educational institution in the country of Jamaica and to support the school in the development of its students.

St. George’s College Old Boys Association of Florida, Inc. was incorporated in 2004 as a charitable non-profit corporation under the General Non-Profit Association Law of the State of Florida. Our objectives are: To foster the development of educational and extracurricular resources at St. George’s College; To advance education by providing scholarships to graduating students of St. George’s College for matriculation in a college or university; To provide a vehicle through which individuals and corporations may make charitable contributions to the St. George’s College alumni fund.
