As a Jamaican you know you are getting older
- You had an exercise book with Queen Elizabeth and her husband on it, instead of a ring binder.
- You used to listen to Rediffussion.
- You wore Bata crepe to school and bought Asham at the gate. Give yourself an extra point, if you know what Asham was made of.
- You remember that the Lou and Ranny show used to come on at 7:00 PM on a Sunday (“Whey me flat boad “)
- You know what the initials T. A. D. P. stand for.
- You know who Tony Verity was.
- You can name more than two of the characters in a Jonkanoo band.
- You know what boxing title Bunny Grant held.
- You didn’t buy gigs, yo yo’s, kites or slingshots in a store. You made them yourself.
- You know what Fanta and Nu Grape are.
- You know what a Woolsley, Humber and Zephyr are.
- You got a washout and worm medicine at the end of summer holidays.
- Your school graduation was called “prize-giving”
- You still call Norman Manley airport “Palisadoes”
- You still have a BOAC bag hidden somewhere in a closet.
- You remember when people used to go to the airport, and come back with a twang.
- You still go to the airport just to stand on the waving gallery.
- When you hear classical music on the radio you still ask: “Is who ded now”
- You still refer to any smooth stretch of road as “barber greene”
- You still use words like “bine” and “clyde” and know the difference between both.
ANSWER KEY: If you answer yes to less than 5 you are a babe
in the woods. 5 to 10 answers, you are listening to too many
of your parent’s stories. 11 to 15: Getting up there, watch it!
16 to 19: You are very gray (Although you may be colouring/dyeing)
All 20 or 21: You have Limacol and Bay Rum on the nightstand,
and a chimmey under the bed