Pineapple is one of the most controversial toppings that can be placed on pizza. Jamaicans don’t understand the aversion that many have to pineapple on pizza. It’s normal for Jamaicans to enjoy the pineapple on their pizza and it’s a topping that’s truly loved.
A pizza adorned with pineapple is typically referred to as a Hawaiian pizza, even though it didn’t originate there. Opponents of the fruit object to its use on the grounds that it isn’t authentic Italian fare. Most would be surprised to learn that a Greek immigrant to Canada, Sam Panopoulos, is responsible for the great pineapple divide.
Panopoulos owned the Satellite restaurant in Chatham, Ontario. In 1962, he began experimenting with sweet and sour flavors popular in trendy Chinese-American dishes. Pineapple continues to ignite strong emotions on both sides of the issue. Icelandic president, Guoni Th. Johannesson wanted to ban it as a topping and celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsey tweeted that pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza.
However, pineapple on pizza is a favorite of celebrity Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and it’s been endorsed by Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, along with Paris Hilton, foodie Alton Brown, and talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel. It’s the second most popular pizza topping in Australia. For those that still aren’t convinced, here are some reasons that pineapple belongs on pizza and little-known facts.
1. Science has shown that the body craves sweet things for energy and salt for normal body functions. The combination of the two produces a pleasurable and positive biological response.
2. Pineapples contain the antioxidant manganese and vitamin C for immune system health.
3. The use of fruit on pizza isn’t new. Tomatoes are classified as a fruit and are the basis of pizza sauce.
4, Pizza making has evolved to accommodate a wide range of taste sensations and new flavors that are now commonly accepted.
5. Pineapple is a favorite of residents in the Western U.S. with 17 percent choosing the fruit.
6. Pizza with pineapple is a favorite of people between the ages of 18-34.
7. Hawaiian pizza is a variation of Toast Hawaii in Germany that was introduced by Clemens Wilmenrod, the country’s first TV cook in 1955.
8. Time magazine named Hawaiian pizza No. 1 on its list of “The 13 Most Influential Pizzas of All Time.”
9. In the UK, Hawaiian pizza is one of the most widely available.
10. Many people feel that placing pineapple on pizza makes it a healthier snack than traditional toppings.
Photo: Deposit Photos