A new Netflix series launched on October 4, 2019, featuring Alisha Wainwright, an actor of Jamaican descent, in the role of “Nicole Warren.” The series, which is entitled “Raising Dion,” boasts Michael B. Jordan as its executive producer. The original programming is based on Dennis Liu’s comic, and Liu is its co-director. It tells the story of a family that attempts to deal with their young son who has newly developed superpowers. As the story unfolds, the character of Nicole must face raising her son Dion as a single parent after the death of her husband, who is played by Michael B. Jordan. Her experience as a single mother are amplified when Dion begins to show his super-hero abilities. She now has to deal with this situation with the help of her husband’s best friend to protect her son from those who want to exploit his superpowers.
Wainwright is chiefly known for her performance as “Maia Roberts” in the series “Shadowhunters.” She was born in 1989 to a Jamaican mother and a Haitian father who live in Florida.
Wainwright says she uses travel as a way to “decompress” from the pressures of her acting career. When she is not working, she can be found exploring various places around the world. She always needed to see new places when she was younger, although she didn’t travel much when she was growing up. Her earliest memory of travel was spending lots of time going to and from Haiti and Jamaica, the home countries of her parents. She remembered Jamaica as being “full of fresh fruit and family and greenery” and “positivity,” she told a Conde Nast travel reporter. She noted that Jamaican culture is focused on “taking it easy.” Her first “meaningful memory” of Haiti stem from the time she was about five years of age and involved the first time she saw what real poverty looked like and how different other people’s lives could be from her own.
Photo source: Alisha Wainwright Instagram