So it’s back to the Jamaican food landscape. Breadfruit is a starchy fruit that’s related to the jackfruit and mulberry. It originated in the South Pacific and was brought to the Caribbean from Tahiti by Captain Bligh in the late 1700s. Bligh was an officer in the British Royal Navy.

Rich in carbohydrates, this wonder of nature provides 21% of the daily dietary requirement. It is high in Vitamin C and rich in antioxidants, helps with skin inflammation, promotes cardiovascular heath, aids digestion, helps with dandruff and hair growth. It boosts energy and helps regulate diabetes. Breadfruit even aids collagen production and dental health and these are only some of the benefits that come from adding breadfruit to your diet.

The starch in breadfruit converts to sugar when the fruit is quite ripe. Jamaicans eat breadfruit in a variety of ways once it is ‘fit’ – baked, boiled, fried or roasted. When boiled, breadfruit tastes similar to potato, and some say bread (which is another staple and may be how this fruit got its name – you know, its likeness to bread – but who knows?)

Breadfruit trees grow to over 80 feet and the shape of the leaves is quite distinctive. They produce a high yield and do not require much care. The tree yields latex and the lumber can be used in construction.

I haven’t tried breadfruit drink, but I’ve heard and read that’s a thing. Have you ever tried it?

Photo Source: Xavier Murphy

Exploring Jamaican Food: Breadfruit


  • Joy L. Campbell

    J.L. Campbell is an award-winning, Jamaican author who writes romantic suspense, women's fiction, new and young adult novels. She has written sixteen books, seven novellas, and two short story collections. Campbell's mission is to write stories that entertain and educate readers. She is also a certified editor, and writes non-fiction. Visit her on the web at

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