Despite many, many hardships we still have much to celebrate and give thanks for…
Even when things get rough, we always have time to share a smile, pop a joke or lend a helping hand. One of our greatest assets is our ability to laugh at ourselves and perhaps this is what has kept us sane through troubling times.
Jamaicans also know that a good plate of food can solve a world of woes… perhaps that is why all our celebrations revolve around the food. No event from weddings, to births, funerals, church gatherings, or just plain old Tuesday is complete without a pot of something bubbling away on the stove, and hearts can be healed and spirits lifted when a plate is shared.
Our music has the ability to uplift us, preach to us, move us, give wings to us or just plain groove us… these are the things we take comfort in when it seems things can’t get rougher… and then they do.
Our spirit of pride, holding our head high and forging ahead despite trying circumstances is what has enabled us to spread our influence to the far corners of the globe, because certainly if you have never been to Jamaica, chances are – you are familiar with one of these… Reggae Music, Jerk Chicken, or Usain Bolt 
Jamaica Hold yuh head high – because as the colors of our flag remind us every day…
“Hardships there are, But the Land is Green and the Sun Shineth” – Out of many people, we are ONE.
One Love, One Heart, One people…
My Jamaica. ❤️
Photo Source: 123rf
